from success to significance
human leadership
discover reflect inspire
connect and make sense
Discover Reflect Inspire
Our aspiration is to help leaders to discover, reflect and inspire. We encourage them to allow their organisations and people to flourish and to make the best possible contributions to society that they can make.
We believe that every organisation has the potential to be of unique value to society and its citizens
The challenge for leaders is to articulate what this value can be, combining, in a complex, interactive process, the external, emerging realities in society with the internal abilities and desires of the organisation, while continuously developing the purpose of the organisation, and encouraging and inspiring their people to deliver the organisation’s value to society.
To truly lead requires to be truly human
This leadership challenge is a tough one, given the complex and transformational developments that are affecting society and to which the organisation must respond, and the human and organisational complexities that come with the organisation itself. Leaders must contain their own anxieties (as well as those of their organisations and people) when seeking to find meaning and direction in inherently uncertain external and internal realities.
Beyond technical and analytical skills and competences, this requires that leaders can bring to the fore their personal, human qualities, their imagination and inspiration in order to navigate and encourage their people through these uncertain realities. This is why we believe that to truly lead, it requires to be truly human.
A comprehensive understanding and perception of boardroom and leadership realities
Our focus is on boards of organisations where the ultimate leadership of the organisation resides in an interaction between executives and non-executives, and individual leaders in their executive and non-executive roles. We work from a comprehensive understanding and perception of boardroom and leadership realities, based on decades of advising boards, leadership teams and individual leaders of private and public organisations.
Phyleon’s combined expertise:
behaviour, effective leadership & governance
Our expertise lies both in the field of behaviour and effectiveness of individual leaders and leadership teams, and in the field of the governance and regulatory environment that determines the roles and tasks of boards, board members and leaders. This combined expertise is based on years of experience working with boards and leadership teams and on broad experience in research in both fields at leading academic institutions.
We merge this expertise into a multi-disciplinary approach, helping to identify the interplay between multiple factors that determine effectiveness and performance of boards, leadership teams and individual leaders. We apply our expertise to help boards and leaders to realise the value of their organisations to society and its citizens.
Based in the Netherlands, Phyleon actively co-operates in international networks of advisors and researchers in the fields of leadership and governance.
Collective traumas and the development of leader values:
A currently omitted, but increasingly urgent, research area
Erik van de Loo (co-author), published in Frontiers in Psychology on 3 May 2019
Extern toezicht op gedrag en cultuur: een paradoxale opgave?
Erik van de Loo and Jaap Winter, published in Tijdschrift voor Financieel Recht in February 2019
De ontmenselijking van de grote onderneming:
Dat wat wij als mensen belangrijk vinden speelt steeds minder een rol in de manier van organiseren en besluitvorming in de grote onderneming
Jaap Winter, published in Ondernemingsrecht in January 2019